As she opened the greeting card from Santa, Anna was amazed. "Dear Anna, Today evening, I will visit your home - Santa Claus" these are the words written on the greeting card. Anna was so happy but she is in the confusion of her costumes. She needs to have a trendy outfits, but not like routine Christmas colored costumes. She needs your help in dressing. You're a great fan of Anna and you have great skills in dress up, so why don't give her a perfect costume. Select the best dresses and accessories for her and you can also give her the beautiful hairstyles, amazing lip gloss and you can give some girly colors to her eyes, rouge and eye shadow. '-Knok', '-Knok' I think this is Santa. Wow, Santa was surprised by Anna glowing in the costumes selected by you. Anna and Santa was so happy and she received a gift from Santa. Have a Happy Christmas.